Monttu Ventures
Accelerating Academic Startups!
What is Monttu Ventures?
Monttu Ventures, established in 2017, is a student-led development company based in the Turku-region. We focus on early-stage startups founded by individuals with a background in the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi, Turku University of Applied Sciences, or Novia University of Applied Sciences.
With 78 co-founders and over 730 000€ in capital, we help promising start-ups become success stories by sharing knowledge and resources as well as acting as a sounding board.

How can Monttu Ventures help you?
We prefer to be the first outsider investor in the company. Maximum financial investment per company is 25 000 €. We also focus on giving our target companies resources from our own shareholders, for example, knowledge from specific market areas and contacts. We recommend the target company to combine our financial investment with Business Finland’s Tempo-funding to achieve multiplier effects. We focus on startups where our impact is the most beneficial.
The selection Criteria
One founding team member is from one of the universities of the Turku area
A credible and scalable business model
A committed team (at least one full-time member) with a wide skillset and who are eager to learn
IP strategy
Startup? Funding? Start with talking to us!

Anton Suomalainen
Chief Executive Officer

Janus Joenpolvi
Chief Operating Officer

Harald Spoof
Deal Flow Manager

Oliver Seila
Deal Flow Manager
If you have an idea and want to pitch it to us, please contact the Deal Flow team at: dealflow@monttuventures.fi